An innovator in regulatory education, Cary Coglianese has taught for more than thirty years in a wide range of settings, including graduate and professional degree courses and a variety of executive education programs. In addition, he has produced a range of novel educational resources that he has made freely available for use by others and have been used by other faculty around the world.
Teaching Experience
Degree Programs
Administrative Law (law school course)
Advanced Regulatory Law and Policy (law school seminar)
Defining and Achieving Regulatory Excellence (law school course)
Doctoral Research Seminar (required seminar for public policy doctoral candidates)
Energy and Environmental Policy (graduate research seminar)
Environmental Law (law school course)
Law and Administration (graduate seminar on administrative law)
Law and Public Policy (graduate course on legal methods and legal process)
Legislation (law school course on statutory interpretation and the legislative process)
Making Regulatory Policy (graduate and law school course on regulatory policy)
Policy Analysis (law school course)
Reforming the Administrative State (policy research seminar)
Regulatory Law and Policy (law school seminar)
Responsibilities of Public Action (required graduate course on political theory and ethics)
Executive Education
"Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making,” University of Pennsylvania Law School (creator, academic director, and teaching faculty), 2019 - present (executive education course delivered seven times)
“What is Regulatory Excellence?,” “Measuring Regulatory Excellence,” and “Regulating Artificial Intelligence,” Penn Program on Regulation Leadership Dialogue with the Executive Committee of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 2023
“Frameworks for Regulatory Decision-Making,” Wharton State Administration of Foreign and Expert Affairs Program, October 2017 & October 2019“Regulatory Decision-Making,” Wharton Strategic Leadership Executive Program, April 2017
“The Regulatory Process” and “Environmental Regulation,” University of Pennsylvania Law and Business Fellowship Executive Program for Professional Women in the Middle East, March 2007, April 2008 & May 2009
“When Should Government Act?,” Food and Drug Administration Senior Management Executive Program on Regulatory Policy, University of Maryland School of Public Affairs, April 2005
“Making Agency Law Through Rulemaking,” first annual Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Institute, American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Washington, D.C., April 2005
“Tools for Regulatory Policy,” Food and Drug Administration Senior Management Executive Program on Regulatory Policy, University of Maryland School of Public Affairs, June 2003
“Ethics: Creating a Fiduciary Culture,” Harvard Kennedy School Executive Program on the Regulation of the Russian Securities Market, May 1998
“Nonprofits, Voluntary Groups, and American Democracy,” Harvard Kennedy School Alumni Refresher Weekend, May 1998
“Consensus at the Crossroads,” Harvard Kennedy School Executive Program on the Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies, August 1997 & October 1998
Educational Resources
Administrative Law
Rulemaking memo assignment (used for over a decade as a group research exercise to introduce students to administrative rulemaking)
​“Chevron and the Administrative State” (30-min. introductory video lesson, April 2020)
The Regulatory Review as Pedagogy
“Ten Years of Regulatory Guidance,” The Regulatory Review (October 12, 2020)
“Announcing The Regulatory Review,” The Regulatory Review (April 5, 2017) (with Kim Kirschenbaum) (reprinted in The Huffington Post)
“Teaching Regulatory Law Through Online Publishing,” The Regulatory Review (August 22, 2016)
“Seasons of Regulation,” The Regulatory Review (April 18, 2016)
Voluntary Codes and Standards
“Teaching Voluntary Codes and Standards to Law Students,” Administrative Law Review 71:307-313 (2019) (with Caroline Raschbaum)
“Introduction to Voluntary Codes and Standards: A Teaching Guide and Resources,” Codes-and-Standards.org (2022)
“Private Standards and the Benzene Case: A Teaching Guide,” Administrative Law Review 71:353-390 (2019) (with Gabriel Scheffler)
“A Teaching Guide to State and Local Climate Regulation: Building Codes in New Mexico and Washington State,” Codes-and-Standards.org (2022) (with Shana Starobin)
“AlbuquerqueGreen: Regulating Climate Change at the Local Level,” Codes-and-Standards.org (2022) (with Alexandra Johnson and Shana Starobin)
“Washington’s 2030 Challenge: Regulating Around Preemption,” Codes-and-Standards.org (2022) (with Alexandra Johnson)​
​Voluntary Codes and Standards: Teaching Resources for Law and Public Policy Courses (www.codes-and-standards.org)
“Teaching About Voluntary Codes and Standards,” IFAN Newsletter 6-8 (May 2023) (with Erik Puskar)